Bryce Canyon 5 day XP just came to a close. An all time favorite for the Global Endurance Training Center because of the mostly good weather, great scenery and excellent management by the Nicholson family, this year again met our expectations. Yes, the trails were more rocky because of excessive rainfall throughout July and August, but with proper hoof protection it was not a problem for our horses. EasyCare hoof boots were used by many horses,, so were Equiflex horseshoes. Great thermograph imaging was done by Duncan McLaughlin. You can visit his postings at the Easycare blog and convince yourself of the advantage of the hoof boots and/or plastic horseshoes vs traditional steel shoes. It is truly astounding how much healthier a hoof protected by EasyCare glue ons or gloves is throughout an endurance ride.
No surprise then, that all winners and all BC winners were wearing EasyCare hoof boots.
4 days were won by horses of GETC, one by Kevin Waters, BC was won by Garrett Ford on The Fury, Kevin Waters on Stoner, Dian Woodward on Halyva Night and Stavire and Christoph Schork on Mandy.
Christoph on Mandy in the Moab area.
GETC is especially proud of Mandy, aka Asamaan, Stavire, our stallion and Van Helsing. These horses had been through a thorough conditioning program prior to entering any endurance rides, and the results proved that the training regimen applied at GETC is bearing fruits. Mandy did now 3 endurance rides, two at Bryce, won all three and received two BCs.
Stavire did two endurance rides with Dian, placed 3rd and 2nd and received BC. What a great accomplishment for Dian and our stallion.
Stavire at his home base in Moab Utah, showing off.
Van Helsing has been going through a 3 year intensive training program before we entered him on his first endurance ride. His training showed. He placed third and fourth on his first two rides. Tarnia Kittel, who has been with GETC now for over 4 weeks, training and conditioning horses, did an outstanding job getting Van Helsing through his first two endurance rides and placing top 5.
Van Helsing enjoying a pasture turnout in Durango, Colorado, at Garrett Ford’s place.
Global Endurance Training program is getting better and better. GETC horses have won over 120BCs, most of them during the last 5 years. Christoph has now 199 wins, more than any other endurance rider in the world.
Big part of our success is learning. We are constantly studying, listening, reading. What contributed also and facilitated our training is the new EuroXciser. It helped conditioning our horses and saving time.
EuroXciser in action. 6 horses can travel freely in each compartment, speeds can be adjusted.
From Powell Point, highest point of the Bryce Canyon XP.
Dian and Tarnia riding under the Pink Cliffs.
GETC staff members will travel to Sonoita next week to take part in the Las Cienegas 100 mile ride.